So Spencer is gay? Did I somehow miss that all season? Or did he just start talking about it on this episode? It makes sense now that I know, but it definitely was not that obvious. I know, not all gay men act out their sexuality in an obvious manner, but many of them do. I am not hating on anyone or their sexual preference. In fact, I have more than one gay friend and do not have an issue with it.
With the fact that Spencer is gay in mind, it suddenly makes sense that he might not fit in perfectly well with the rest of guys on the tribe. Especially with personalities like JT. So when he sucked on the immunity challenge big time and Jalapao lost, it was not surprise that he would be considered to be voted off of Survivor Brazil.
The other person who put themselves right in the middle of consideration for being voted off of Jalapao was Taj. Taj has a really good thing going with her secret alliance with Brendan, Stephen and Sierra. So why did she decide out of nowhere to start yelling and screaming at her tribe members after the immunity challenge? From all appearances it was totally unprovoked and unnecessary. It just seemed like a stupid move from a woman with a nasty attitude.
However with the likely support from Stephen and JT's desire to get Spencer out of the game, Taj's outburst was not quite enough to get her voted off of the tribe. In the end it was Spencer who was unanimously voted off of Survivor Tocantins.
So it appears as though we have a very interesting remainder of the season coming. Most of the big personalities and still left in the game, as are most of the better players. With the secret alliance, the upcoming merge and some new twists and turns from the producers of Survivor, the rest of the season it looking good!
After the very first episode, who would have thought that Sierra Reed would still be around Survivor Brazil heading into the fifth episode? From the very beginning when Sierra was voted "off" of the tribe and flown by helicopter to camp, it seemed like she was going to be the very first to go. However here we are and Sierra Reed is surviving! So I would like to dedicate this post to Sierra and her toughness in surviving the game to this point. I hope that she continues on for many weeks ahead! What better way to dedicate this post than to take a peek at some pictures of Sierra Reed the model?
Warning to anyone under 18! While these are not exactly Sierra Reed nude pictures or Sierra Reed naked pictures, they do show a bit more skin than I would rate as PG. Sierra Reed is a model and models do go topless sometimes, right? So it is only natural!
So I guess that you can't really blame Coach for hitting on her, right?
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Okay, love her or hate her, you have to admit that Sandy is one entertaining... um, person. She is truly crazy, not as in "she is so crazy" with a little smiley face, but "she is CRAZY" with a white doctor's coat and some padded walls. So it was not much of a surprise when Sandy was discussed as one of the potential tribes people to be voted out when Jalapao lost the immunity challenge.
The other person who was up for possible elimination was Sydney, the hot model from North Carolina. Why was Sydney up for elimination? Well, from a technical standpoint she is one of the weaker members of the team physically. Yet that did not really explain what was happening around camp. In reality she was seen as a threat due to her good looks and her flirting with the men around camp. The flirt strategy has worked well in prior seasons on Survivor and Sydney is definitely beautiful enough to pull it off. Here is a quick clip about Sydney and her flirtatious ways:
So when Jalapao went to tribal council, it really came down to Sandy vs Sydney. Yet when the votes were counted, it was obvious that it was going to be Sandy all along. However Taj did place a vote for Joe, which I really did not understand. I guess we will find out what that was all about next week.
So love her or hate her, Sandy is gone from Survivor Tocantins! Personally I jumped for joy when she was voted off, as I could not stand listening to her any more. I feel bad for the rest of the tribe having to be around her non-stop for days on end. That must have been a nightmare! Anyways, here is Sandy's final words:
(Sorry about the late post!) Last week on Survivor Tocantins, Jerry ran into trouble when a stomach problem knocked him off of his feet for a number of days. With some sort of digestive issue, Jerry was unable to eat the main source of food at camp: beans. Unable to eat and help much around camp, Jerry was the obvious choice to be sent home when Timbira lost the immunity challenge.
However, throughout the episode Coach was actually aiming for Erinn. Erinn is kind of an outcast in Timbira and certainly does not like Coach. So while Coach decided to knock out Jerry because of his illness, he is likely going to go after Erinn when he next has a chance.
Another week of Survivor Tocantins... another blindside! Candace Smith is the latest victim in a season of Survivor that seems to be heading for more strategy and deception than usual. In this episode we saw a pretty brutal challenge with the Survivor tribes taking each other down, ripping off clothes and basically doing everything necessary to win. Check out the whole challenge right here:
So begins another season of Survivor. Throughout the season I will recap episodes of Survivor Tocantins and will provide some commentary, images and videos when I can get my hands on them. Right now I am just taking images of my TV, which is pretty ghetto, but I'll figure something out better soon. Anyways, here is the recap for episode 1 of Survivor Tocantins.
The first episode begins with the two tribes riding into the Brazilian Highlands in the back of a truck. Both teams had already been created, with the red Jalapao tribe and the black Timbira tribe. The trucks come to a stop in what appears to be the middle of nowhere. It appears that was because it is. They are smack in the middle of the Brazilian Highlands. Jeff then informs the tribes that they have 60 seconds to grab as many supplies as they can out of the back of the truck. Both tribes scramble to get everything they can out of the truck and by the end of the 60 seconds the truck is stripped clean. However when Jeff gets a look at what the tribes took, he notices that Jalapao grabbed no water and no bags of food. Instead they have a bunch of heavy watermelons and what looks like huge squash. Soon they will be regretting their choices.
The tribe members are then informed that they will be going on a four hour trek to get to their camps. At that time, the temperature is already at 110 degrees and it is expected to get hotter throughout the day. Suddenly the tribes realize they have to haul the heavy supplies all the way back to camp. Those watermelons and overgrown squash look pretty silly all of a sudden.
At this point, the first twist of the game begins. Jeff informs the tribes that it is time for a vote. The tribes have to vote for two of the tribe members, one member on each tribe. Jeff leads them to believe that they are actually voting these members out of the game. From the Jalapao tribe, most of the tribe members vote for Sandy, the older woman in the game. Sandy's reaction is to get pissed off and let everyone know it.
From the Timbira tribe, most of the members vote for Sierra, the young blond model. Apparently Sierra has strep throat and has been on antibiotics. With a temperature of 102, let's say that she is not feeling all that well. Yet she takes being voted out fairly well, yet is obviously upset.
That is when Jeff lets the tribes know that he did not say they were being voted out, simply that they would not be making the trek to the camp. Instead, the two outcasts are to be helicoptered directly to their respective camps. So as the tribes begin their trek, Sandy and Sierra hop int a helicopter and arrive at their camps a few hours ahead of time.
Once they reach camp, the find a clue that informs them that they have a choice to either spend the time working around camp and on their shelter, or they can use to the time to follow a clue for the hidden immunity idol. Sandy decides to go for the hidden immunity idol, though it is quickly apparent that she is somewhat lacking in brain power and it highly unlikely to solve the simple riddle. She certainly does not find the idol on her first attempt. When the Jalapao tribe finally makes it to camp, they are pissed off because Sandy did nothing around the camp or on the shelter.
Sierra also receives a clue, but instead of looking for the idol, she decides to work around camp and build a shelter. Considering she is sick and was just voted "off" of the tribe, this is a pretty gutsy decision on her part. So she starts gathering wood and actually completes a fair sized shelter by the time the tribe makes it to camp, well after dark. The tribe seems to be fairly pleased by her efforts, though Sierra quickly starts trying to make excuses and the tribe does not seem to respond well to it. So her efforts may have helped, but she is still on thin ice.
After a little character introduction and some naked Tyson video, the contestants head out for their first immunity challenge. The reward for victory, as usual, is flint to make fire. The basics of the challenge is that 6 of the tribes people race over some sand hills and into the water where they find wooden puzzle piece planks connected to a raft. Once all of the members make it to the raft, they pull the raft back to the shore, unwrap the pieces, and carry them back to a platform where two of the members are waiting. The two members have to them build a series of steps using the planks to climb the platform. The planks have various numbers of notches on them, so can only be attached to the platform in a certain way. At the top of the platform is another puzzle. It is a maze where two members have to use a piece of rope to move a wooden piece through a fairly complex maze. When they reach the end of the maze, their tribal flag goes up and they win.
The challenge starts fairly even, with both teams getting to the raft at about the same time and dragging the raft back close together. Carolina seems to be the slowest out of all of the members participating in this part of the challenge, as she is lagging behind in all parts. However the red Jalapao tribe is still able to get ahead and take a sizable lead building their platform. They reach the top and begin on the maze while the black Timbira tribe is still working on the platform. However Jalapao has major problems with the maze and Timbira comes roaring back to win the challenge.
So Timbira gets fire and Jalapao gets a date with tribal council. At this point, it seems likely that Sandy would get voted out. Yet once they get back to camp, Carolina starts nagging some of the tribe and a number of members start whispering in the background that maybe Sandy is not so bad (even though she is absolutely insane). Yet it seems like the tribe is undecided at that time.
Jeff meets the tribe at the very first tribal council. From the discussion at the council, it certainly seems as though Sandy is getting booted out, as members express disappointment at her prior actions and lack of help at camp. Throughout the council, Sandy makes a continuous barrage of strange faces. Her face contorts in the weirdest manner, making me quite sure that she is quite literally crazy! Jeff, in a very humorous moment, asks her "Sandy, are you a little bit crazy" and she agrees and makes some more horrible faces for the camera. It is funny stuff, but a bit unsettling.
Jeff also talks to Carolina, who admits that she was a little bossy and whiny and states that she needs to check herself to stop from making these comments. After this, the voting begins. The very first vote is for Sandy, however it is Carolina's vote. From there on out, every single vote is for Carolina. Unanimously, Carolina Eastwood is the first person voted out of Survivor Tocantins.
And so goes the first episode of Survivor Tocantins!
Here is a video of Carolina and her thoughts on what happened in this episode:
I am on the west coast, so I have about one hour to go before the premier of Survivor Tocantins, the Brazilian Highlands! To celebrate, I grabbed a selection of some of the hottest pictures from the hottest cast members. No offense to anyone not included in this post... I simply could not find sexy pictures of everyone! Here we go!
I'll keep an eye out for more and will post them as I find them. Now it is time to head off and watch some Survivor Tocantins!
Survivor Tocantins: The Brazilian Highlands is the latest season of one of the most popular reality television shows of all time. Now on its 18th season, Survivor Tocantins will be located in the heartland of Brazil in the state of Tocantins. The site for Survivor is a sandy oasis set in the middle of a mountainous region in the boundary between the Amazon rainforest and the coastal savanna. It is crossed by rivers and streams and contains an abundance of wildlife.
Survivor Tocantins with have an interesting cast of contenders, including people from a variety of regions and walks of life. From a handful of models, to a millionaire, to a bus driver, the contestants are sure to blend and clash in what should be very entertaining television.
The first episode of the season will begin with an unusual twist. The contestants will be split into two tribes, the red Jalapão tribe and the blue Timbira tribe. The tribes will be asked to journey approximately four hours to get to their individual camps. However, prior to leaving on this trek, the tribes will be asked to vote off on of the members of the tribe… or so they think. In fact, the members who are voted off of the tribe will be taken via helicopter directly to the camp. So the members who are voted off of the tribe will actually get a four hour head start on the rest of their tribe.
At their camp, the two tribe members who are voted out will have a major decision to make. They will find a number of supplies at the camp to star building a shelter, along with the first clue to the hidden immunity idol. The decision will be structured in a way where the contestants will only have enough time to choose one of the two options. They either make an attempt at the hidden immunity idol and try and increase their chances at staying in the game, or they work hard at the camp and try to win back the teammates who just voted them out. This twist should create some very interesting scenarios right off of the bat in a time where Survivor is usually taking some time to settle in. It sounds like a positive move from the producers of Survivor Tocantins.
This season will have another interesting twist centered on Exile Island. This year, Exile Island will be a desolate sand dune in the middle of nowhere. As per usual, the winning tribe in competitions will be able to choose one member of the losing tribe to head to Exile Island. Yet this year, the person chosen on the losing team will then be able to select one person from the winning team to join them at Exile Island. When the two members arrive at Exile, they will find two eggs. They will have to decide between the two of them who gets which egg. One of the eggs will be empty, while the other will have a clue to the location of the hidden immunity idol. This is when they will find out that the idol is hidden somewhere back at their camp.
Survivor was not quite done with the Exile Island twists. Another twist in the game is that the two people who are sent to Exile will have the option of returning to their original camp, or they can mutiny and go to the other tribe. So the people sent to Exile will have additional power and benefits compared to prior seasons. Suddenly the choice of who to send to Exile has some very intriguing undertones.
Survivor Tocantins: The Brazilian Highlands premiers Thursday, February 12th. From the sound of things, this should be one of the best seasons of Survivor yet.
Sierra Reed is the latest Survivor Tocantins contestant to go under our spotlight. Like a number of the ladies on Survivor this year, Sierra is a fashion model. Searching around the web has turned up a number of sexy images of Sierra Reed:
Plus a larger version of the Survivor bikini picture!
There is also the prerequisite introduction Sierra Reed video:
Plus a little more personal details on Sierra:
Sierra Reed wants to make it clear right off the bat that she has the ability to find her place in any situation, anywhere in the world, through her perseverance and strength. Despite the fact that she is strong-willed and determined, she is one who will wear her heart on her sleeve. Not intimidated by age, ("I'm 25 and if you're 45 that's great, but if we have differences, I'm going to let you know"), Reed will speak her mind, yet she does it with purpose and passion. She hopes that her tenacity will balance out her "strong nature."
Sierra claims she isn't a "very stereotypical model," because she doesn't do it for the notoriety; she does it because modeling can help facilitate new experiences and allows for travel to amazing locations which is something she enjoys tremendously.
Her modeling background has helped to shape her strategy for the game. Forced to deal with a variety of personalities all competing for the same goal is nothing new to her, having lived with five catty models vying for one spot. This experience will be to her advantage when forming alliances and making her way through the twists of the game.
Next in the Survivor Spotlight is Sydney Wheeler, a beautiful blonde model from Raleigh, North Carolina. First off, here is a great video featuring Sydney Wheeler:
Here is some more information about Sydney Wheeler, which will be followed by some incredible pictures:
Growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina, Sydney decided to move out to the west coast to try her hand at modeling and interior design. She plans to use the skills she's learned working with different clients to help navigate the social game of survivor. She's also not afraid to use her looks to further herself in the competition.
Sydney knows she can use her winning personality, along with her beauty, her body and her brains, to charm people. Wheeler warns, "people stereotype me as just a pretty face. Don't misjudge me, I'm going win." Sydney is ready for the adventure Survivor will surely provide.
Forced to mature at an early age, Sydney knows what it really means to live life to its fullest. At age 19 she lost her sister Laura in a tragic car accident, but throughout it all has maintained a positive attitude. "God put us on Earth to do good things, big things and that's what I'm trying to do and achieve in life."
Last but not least is the video interview for Survivor:
Candance Smith is one of the most stunning contenders ever on Survivor. There are quite a few beauties this season and we will take a closer look at all of them. First, let's take a closer look at Candance Smith, a current model, actress and former Miss USA Ohio. First, the interview video from CBS:
Next, I found a handful of great Candance Smith images from her website
Pretty incredible images, Candace! Want to learn more about this talented, beautiful woman? Here is some more info on one of our favorite new Survivor ladies.
Candace prides herself in having both book and street smarts. Growing up in the inner city of Dayton, Ohio, Candace worked hard to receive a full academic scholarship to the University of Dayton. She went on to graduate from Northwestern University School of Law and began working as a commercial real estate attorney. After becoming Miss Ohio USA, she decided to move to L.A. to pursue other aspirations, including modeling, acting and opening her own consulting firm.
While friends describe her as resilient, funny and overall positive, she admits she is brutally honest by nature and can come across as a bitch, which may cause her problems with her tribe. Although she knows how to negotiate and be diplomatic, she has a difficult time socializing with phony people. To win this game, she knows she'll have to be able to bite her tongue because she knows what's at risk. A victory would help provide the children in her family with funds for education and she hopes that a strong mix of athleticism and work ethic will take her to the end.
Although Candace no longer practices law, she still utilizes her legal skills in everyday life. As an attorney, she mastered the skills of mental combat and knows how to create a strong bargaining position, which will certainly come in handy on SURVIVOR. Candace has also learned how to relate to many different types of people from traveling all over the world, including England, Spain and Cuba. Aside from traveling, she also enjoys running, cooking and writing. She is currently working on a book of her memoirs.
Still want more Candace Smith, well then check out this video!
Guys, it is your turn! Are you ready to meet the girls from Survivor Tocantins? Here are the eight Survivor Tocantins ladies with a picture and quick bio:
Carolina Eastwood is a 26 year old bartender from West Hollywood, California. Born in Panama, Carolina lived the first six years of her life in poverty until her father, an Army soldier, moved the family to the US so they could have an opportunity for a better life. While Carolina Eastwood lived through some difficult times, she carries with her the knowledge that those trying times were a learning experience. This gives Carolina a strong, positive outlook on life.
Sierra Reed is not your stereotypical model. This 23 years old model and fashion student from Los Angeles, California has not lived a luxurious and pampered life. Sierra moved to Taiwan at young age and lived in conditions with bugs, grime and no running water, surviving conditions that would make most people head for the closest Hilton. She is a self proclaimed adventure junkie and loves to experience new things. Sierra Reed believes that her past experiences will make her a strong contender in Survivor.
Candace Smith is a 31 year old attorney from Dayton, Ohio. Candace grew up as a tomboy and talented athlete, competing in basketball, soccer and track. Yet Candace grew out of her tomboy phase and is a former Miss Ohio USA. Candace has the beauty, brains and the athleticism to be a serious threat in this season of Survivor. Candace Smith attended the University of Dayton and graduated from Northwestern University School of Law. She worked for a short time as a commercial real estate attorney prior to shifting her career to pursue modeling, acting and opening up her own consulting firm.
Sydney Wheeler is a model from Raleigh, North Carolina. 24 years of age, Sydney recently moved from North Carolina to the west coast where she is pursuing modeling and interior design. She plans on using her good looks and her winning personality to outlast the other contestants on this season of Survivor. While others may just see a pretty face, Sydney Wheeler warns "Don't misjudge me, I'm going to win!" Consider yourself warned, contestants.
Erinn Lobdell is a 26 years old hairstylist and makeup artist from Waukesha, Wisconsin. Erinn recently completed training for a marathon and works out every day to stay in top physical shape. With this incredible athleticism, Erinn is sure to be ready for the rigors of competing in Survivor challenges. Erinn Lobdell is confident in her abilities to excel in this unique and difficult game.
Tamara Johnson-George, better known as Taj, is a 37 year old pop star from Nashville, Tennessee. Taj has handled many aspirations successfully throughout her life and feels like she can also handle Survivor. A Grammy-nominated singer, successful author, wife of an NFL Pro and mother of two boys, Taj believes she has the skills to be a strong competitor. Taj overcame physical and mental abuse in her life and states "I am literally, truly a survivor, who has survived more things than you can ever imagine."
Debra Beebee, who goes by "Debbie" is a 46 year old middle school principle from Auburn, Alabama. A self-described people person, Debra is a married mom from Auburn, Alabama who believes that her natural leadership abilities and tactful problem-solving skills will contribute to her success as a castaway on SURVIVOR. Debra, also known as "Bubbles," feels that her enthusiastic and energetic personality, in addition to her take-charge attitude, will erase any doubts about her ability to succeed in this game.
Sandy Burgin is a 53 year old bus driver from Louisville. A country girl through and through, Sandy Burgin grew up and still lives in Kentucky, where she takes pride in being the state champion of the School Bus Rodeo. A night owl by occupation, Sandy works the graveyard shift transporting construction workers to their work sites. She likes to unwind by crocheting or listening to country, oldies or some good old fashioned rock and roll. Her penchant for reading "do it yourself" magazines in addition to her fishing skills just might make her a valuable member of her tribe.
Okay ladies, it is time to meet the men from Survivor Tocantins! Here is a quick bio of each of the guys participating in this season of Survivor:
Benjamin Wade is a 37 year old soccer coach from Bolivar, Missouri. Benjamin, otherwise known as Coach Wade, is the head women's soccer coach at the Southwest Baptist University in Missouri. Benjamin Wade also goes by the name Maestro, as he is an artistic director and conductor of a California symphony orchestra.
Brendan Synnott is a 30 year old entrepreneur from New York, NY. Brendan was raised in Connecticut by a single mom and found success in a natural foods company names Bear Naked. Bear Naked was recently acquired by a major corporation.
Tyson Apostol is a 29 year old professional cyclist from Lindon, Utah. Tyson describes himself as witty, charming and arrogant. Tyson Apostol believes that his natural athleticism and winning personality will get him far in the game of Survivor.
Spencer Duhm is a 19 year old student from Lakeland, Florida. Spencer has been a fan of Survivor since day one when he was back in grade school. Spencer hopes that his fanaticism will take him far in a game that he knows so well. Spencer Duhm is currently a student at the University of Florida.
James Thomas Jr, otherwise known as JT, is a 24 year old cattle rancher from Samson, Alabama. JT operates a registered Angus Cattle Ranch, preparing the land, working the cattle and handling the marketing of the business.
Joe Dowdle is a real estate salesman from Austin, Texas. This 26 year old is a saavy businessman and a southern gentleman. Joe was raised by a single mother along with his sister. Joe Dowdle currently works in real estate investment sales and enjoys playing guitar, football and spending time with his friends.
Jerry Sims is a 49 year old Sergeant in the US Army. Jerry is from Rock Hill South Carolina and recently returned from a tour of duty in Afganistan. Jerry Sims is a 1st Sergeant and a specialist in Nuclear Operations. Jerry has been with the Army National Guard for the past 20 years.
Stephen Fishbach is a corporate consultant from New York, NY. This 29 year old is a Yale graduate and has the brains to be a dangerous contestant in Survivor. Stephen believes that he will be a cutthroat player in the game and manipulate his way to success.
Welcome to the Survivor Tocantins - The Brazilian Highlands Fan Site
Hello and welcome Survivor fans. I used to bash Survivor and make fun of people who watched the show. Then one day I had my TV on CBS while I was cooking some dinner in the kitchen. Survivor 9 Vanuatu came on and I half-watched an episode while finishing up dinner. It was very entertaining, so I decided to watch it the next week and see what happened.
Now here I am years later having watched every single episode since. Here I am writing a blog about Survivor Tocantins. I can now admit that I love the show and take back all the mean things said in the past! What a strange turn of events!
Anyways, this site will be full of pictures, videos, articles, opinions, news and much more on all things to do with Survivor Tocantins. I hope that you enjoy the site and please subscribe if you like what you see!